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Rebec's beautiful voice helped Jinan Hongyun Tuang win the M2 championship

Add Date:2018/5/25    Clicks:

The Yinyue Fax Alliance in this competition is quite effective in the MECA Jinan battlefield, and has achieved excellent results in many projects. Among them, Jinan Hongyun Auto Audio sent a carefully refitted TUON to shine in the M2 group, which stood out in the reorganization with excellent results and won the championship.

Group photo of M2 group with modified sound quality

Champion car - Volkswagen Tuon

In order to improve the sound quality, the front stage of this TUON Champion car is refitted with a Gehang host and a Yinyue Fax DSP, which effectively enhances the sound source analysis and restores the sound source signal. The front sound field is refitted with a set of golden ear suit speakers, and the inversion installation of the middle and high pitch unit on the A pillar can obtain the best sound field positioning. For the subwoofer, a Rebec is installed to enhance the potential under the sound effect. Finally, two RebecRA80 power amplifiers are equipped to promote the overall sound system. This refit has a full sense of dynamics and a strong sense of music atmosphere, which can affect the audience at the scene.

Display of modification effect of center console

Display of alto inversion effect

Modification configuration: host: Gehang/front stage: Yinyue Fax/power amplifier: RebecRA80/power amplifier: RebecRA80/front sound field speaker: Golden Ear/bass speaker: Rebec